How to save data in. txt file in Visualg?


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People need to do a registration system in Portugol for a college job. However, I want the data to be saved for a possible query.

There is the possibility to save data in a file . txt in Visualg?

(I searched found the command "file" but did not understand how to use)

Thank you!

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1 answer


There is the possibility to save data to a file in . txt in Visualg! Visualg allows data to be stored in a text file, obtaining data from it when executing the commands leia.

This feature works as follows:

(According to this source)

  1. If there is no file with specified name, Visualg will make a reading data through typing, storing the data read in this file, in the order in which they are provided.
  2. If the file exists, Visualg will get the data from this file until it arrives to its end. From then on, it will read data through typing.
  3. Only one file command can be employed in each pseudocode, and it should be in the declarations section (depending on the "success" of this feature, in future versions it can be improved...).
  4. If a path is not provided, Visualg will search for this file in the current workbook (usually, it is the folder where the program VISUALG.EXE is). This command does not provide a standard extension; therefore, the file name specification must be complete, including with your extension (e.g. txt, . dat, etc.).

The syntax of the command is:

arquivo < nome-de-arquivo >

<nome-de-arquivo> is a constant character (double quotes). See the following example:

  algoritmo "lendo do arquivo"
  arquivo "teste.txt"
  var x,y: inteiro
  para x de 1 ate 5 faca
  leia (y)


Your variables can also be stored in a character type matrix and test it in the query and implement the code with a menu. (With register and consultation)

   algoritmo "lendo do arquivo"
   arquivo "teste.txt"
   var x,y,i,j: inteiro
   char opcao
    vetor mat[5][5]
   escreval("A- GRAVAR ARQUIVOS")
   escreval("B- PROCURAR ARQUIVOS")
   caso 'A'
   escreval("Leia matriz:")
   para i de 1 ate 5 faca
   para j de 1 ate 5 faca

   caso 'B'
   // compare com a variável que quiser 
   para i de 1 ate 5 faca
   para j de 1 ate 5 faca
   se(x=m[i][j]) entao

You can use the file command, but maybe it is not the best option.

For with every command leia() that Visualg finds, he will be reading this file and playing in the variable that is in leia(). Translating... Until you reach the end of the file, all leia() will is directed to the file... it will not be possible to read any user data via keyboard while the file is not finished.

If you are implementing with file, always remember the clean screen command may be useful.

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