Meta Author does not embed on the site


Viewed 351 times


Whenever I share a post from my site on my Facebook page, the name of the author appears on the news side. But this week, he stopped coming. I was researching and saw that it is problem with meta Author. I had already asked a question concerning this same problem in the past here. I followed the steps that were reported in this post, but did not solve. Does anyone know what might have happened?

News link:

Includes Facebook code in Header:

    window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
      appId      : 'ID',
      xfbml      : true,
      version    : 'v2.10'

  (function(d, s, id){
     var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
     if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
     js = d.createElement(s); = id;
     js.src = "//";
     fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
   }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1
  • @Wéllingthonm.Souza changed the question

  • Have you tried putting the Script at the end of the page ?

  • @Wéllingthonm.Peel tried and it didn’t work

  • Also try to tag <meta property='fb:app_id' content='...'> before <meta property="og:locale" content="pt_BR" />

  • @Wéllingthonm.Souza I’m using Yoast SEO.

  • Just kicking to try to help, have you tried to configure the url you reference in the article:Author tag with HTTPS? I noticed in the source of the page that is pointing to an http url(url of your Facebook profile). Maybe there is no relation, but it is not hard to check.

  • Have tried changing the option on your Facebook profile in "Configs > Public Posts" to "Public"?

  • @DVD but this happens with other admins. Since this was working normally.

  • Know any site where this is working?

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4 answers


I use in my app, the same address for Publisher and Author, in which yours would be, and your Publisher has one more Slash.

 <meta property="article:publisher" content="" />
    <meta property="article:author" content="" />
  • How do I take it off?

  • You do not need to take and correct, if the publication comes from your page, you should put only the link of the page and vice versa

  • I am using the Wordpress YOAST plugin.


  • You already have the correct URL and Open Graph ok.


Facebook stopped showing the Meta Author, only the sites that were cached are being displayed. Apparently they are reformulating the way shares are appearing (this change has been implemented since the beginning of this year Link News about part of the change), see in their API the sharing Developer of your SITE, the Meta Author is recognized, is displayed, but is no longer placed in the share:

Link Dubugger API Sharing

This is not just happening with your website be assured, we will expect an official position on the changes in sharing mode to get more information.


It seems that authors need to give permission for a publication or site (and specifically the FB page of this site) to be cited as author.

Authors need to log in to their own Facebook profile, go to Settings, then click "Linked Posts" (or access

There, they need to add the publication’s Facebook page (or website) as a "linked post".

After the author gives the permission is good you clear the Facebook cache using the Sharing Debugger, just place the post link and click on "Scrape Again".

In this answer it was also suggested to use the FB_ID instead of the alias in meta tags

  • I’ve done this process and nothing has changed yet.

  • When you entered settings, the page appeared to select as a linked post?


I found in the documentation, you’ve tried?

Activate Facebook Author Tags

For the Facebook Author Tags feature to work, you need to enter the user profile page of your Wordpress installation and enter your own Facebook profile URL. That’s it. The plugin will automatically add more things like editor tags, image tags, a description label, article type etc. etc.

If you want to further optimize your Opengraph output, you can change some of the things that the plugin displays in the Wordpress SEO social tab.

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