

Viewed 249 times


Hello, I’m with a system in php to give maintenance...only I wanted to upload the application to do the tests and I’m not succeeding,I searched the net did some things, and even so I come across this error in my cmd ... in the folder where the project is.. these errors is when I type the command Composer install how is everything new from Daew do not know what else to do..

I enabled tbm my Extension=php_openssl.dll ,in php.ini thinking it could be something I have not created any virtual host... ta the default of xampp localhost

These errors prevent me from running the application to program and make some implementations.. I don’t know my Friends

Error screen are 27 : inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    You must install the minimum version of PHP which is the version 5.6.4

  • PHP Version 7.0.23 version of my php installed.. through phpinfo(); had already noticed this a long time ago .. I believe that this is not it must be some kind of permission I do not know there

  • 1

    There must be another version running, because this saying that the version you are using is the 5.5.8

  • and how do I find this version?? and the active version of shaman is version 7...

  • after eliminating errors this project I cloned it goes up ?? or has another folder I have to change??.. I did not create this project

  • No, it’s just a matter of not running the minimum version. Now the server has to have at least the version 5.6.4 to work

  • i explained wrong I talk about going up type,for me to change and implement something and I put php Artisan serves ...comes the message that something seems wrong... I’m searching the net to see how to run it on my machine

  • edit the question and just puts the new error.

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There was a version of easyphp .. that I don’t know where it was on my machine,after I uninstalled the xampp and deleted them. exe dos easyphp managed to install xampp again and with the version that already had .. a 7 was that the errors disappeared.

And to make the application run on my machine, I went to the root folder of the project where I had a file called .env.example and renamed it to . env and then rotate the command php Artisan key:generate Aew returned the success message and then ran again with php Artisan serves .

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