React dynamic array in imgs


Viewed 1,659 times


I have the following function to create dynamic array.

funcListMap(_ref) {		
		let list = []; => {
					<ListItem key={}>
						<img src={require(`'${i.img}'`)} />
		return (list);

  1. Only it is giving error in the time to load the image

    <Img src={require(`'${i.img}'`)} />
    // Ou se tentar assim
    <Img src={require(i.imagens)}/>

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  1. But if I put one the way way manually works, ie load the same image for all.

    <Img src={require('../statics/imagens/sanduiches/sanduiche-01.png')} />

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How to resolve the issue of this code

<Img src={require(`'${i.img}'`)} /> ou <Img src={require(i.imagens)}/>
  • You don’t need the require, just do <img src={i.img}/>

  • And why in one test you use i.img and in the other use i.images? What is the correct name?

  • It’s because I was testing with other names, but I’m only using i.img anyway, when I’m going to pull a local image doesn’t work. Thus <img src={i.img} /> taking one from the web as http://siteany/image.png, funcinona, but your informing http://localhost/directory/image.png, does not work! does not load local image.

1 answer


No need to use require see this simple example:

let Carros = [
    id: 1,
    descricao: 'Fiat Toro',
    img: ''
    id: 2,
    descricao: 'Fiat Argo',
    img: ''
    id: 3,
    descricao: 'Golf 2017',
    img: ''
var Images = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
      <div>  {{
              return (
              <div key={}>
                <img src={i.img} width='120' />
ReactDOM.render(<Images />, document.getElementById('app'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>

  • I’ll try this example, to see if it works, the question is which image with the web address works, normally. but when the address is localhost, http://localhost:3000/dir/img.png (does not load)

  • If you are using distributions Linux have to check the access permissions, see what is the error that is returning in Console

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