Is there a programming language in Portuguese? If so, what are they applied to?


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As we are used to, "all" programming languages (or almost all, I don’t know) follow the American standard, both in the English language (for, while, if, class, date) how much in date/time and currency format (e.g. date: yyyy/mm/dd).

Is there (or is there) any programming language whose semantics and formats are in Portuguese? What are these languages and where they are applicable and useful in software development or web applications?

  • There was one that was for very interesting data collector including.

  • It goes from Prisma, it is even intuitive since the words are from our mother tongue.

4 answers


No real use. There’s this Portugol who made some interpreters (Portugol IDE, Visualg, Portugol Studio), but it’s just for learning. It has a functional version called Potigol.

Has a language Muti language, among them the Portuguese.

There was once a clone of dBase called Dialog that had all commands in Portuguese at the time of the madness of the Computer Law that created huge distortions and delays for the country.

In theory you can take any language that has an implementation open source and modify to accept commands in English. It’s very easy. It’s more or less what they did with Prism.

Note that formats are not usually part of the language, but part of the library, and all formats that are suitable deal with formats from all countries.

Semantics (meaning) independent of syntax (spelling and grammar) so this makes no sense.

There must be others, but it has no minimal repercussion.

  • Rs.. I referred "semantics" to the set of words that are part of the language (if, Else, date, for, class etc). What would be the correct nomenclature for this?

  • 5

    This is syntax.

  • True. I corrected the question. According to the Wikipedia: "Semantics often opposes syntax, in which case the former is concerned with what something means, while the latter is concerned with formal structures or patterns in the way that something is expressed".


There is the prism project which is a modification of the Lua 5.2 fonts. A language interpreted with statements in English.

Has access to Sqlite3 and Mysql database, very basic graphical interface; cgi, md5, sha1, sha256, pdf, among other things;

Follow the website link for more information:


Some examples of code:

    imprima"olá mundo\n";

    para i = 1, 10 inicio

    local cont=0;
    enquanto cont <= 10 inicio
      cont = cont + 1;
  • 1

    I’ve been using Prisma for at least 1 year and in the learning category, I can guarantee that for those who are Portuguese speaking, they will not have any difficulty learning even those who have no notion of programming. You need support from more programmers We’ll help you guys.


There is! A new programming language entirely in Portuguese called Br.ino. It is focused on the use of Arduin and seems to be expanded to other languages as well. Link from it:


There is the Linguagem Potigol which is a modern multiparadigma (imperative, functional, and OO) language for teaching programming. Its syntax resembles scripting languages such as Ruby and Python but the semantics is based on static typing languages. Potigol is also used to create 2D graphics games.

See an example of a program that calculates the area and perimeter of a square:

tipo Quadrado
  lado: Real
  area() = lado * lado
  perimetro() = 4 * lado

escreva "Qual o tamanho do lado?"
a = leia_real
q1 = Quadrado(a)
escreva "Área = {q1.area}"
escreva "Perímetro = {q1.perimetro}"
  • "Potigol" has something to do with "Potiguar"? It was the first thing that came to mind when reading that name

  • 1

    Yes. The language was developed in IFRN in Christmas. The name was a joke but ended up getting.

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