Incompatibility android 4.4.2 with Ionic 2


Viewed 58 times


I made an application in Ionic 2 and everything works perfectly, however, a user when using on mobile with android 4.4.2, some features, as for example, file upload, It does not work.

Does not generate errors, simply does not upload.

In addition to the initial loading time, before splash, it takes almost 1 minute to load.

Does anyone have any idea if it is some incompatibility of Ionic with this android version?

  • I use on a phone with 4.4.2 and already emuiled in an older version and wheel, a little slow but wheel. In older mobile the best is to use the croswalk, but there increases a lot to the size of the app. See if you can get a.log console in your upload’s Exception.

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