Open vsCode and Atom error


Viewed 104 times


Every time I try to open Tom and vsCode this message appears:

a javascript error ocurred in the main process

Error image in Atom:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And on Vscode:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I already deleted it from my pc and downloaded it again, but it keeps giving the same problem, how can I solve it?

  • Also put the error message that appears in Vscode

  • Ready I put, the error message for both is same

  • I would start by reinstalling the 2 confirming that nothing is left in User/AppData/Local and User/ referring to them (in windows)

  • I reinstall it but now in different way from the standard?

  • It sounds like a good test. From what I quickly googled in that error message, most resolutions went through reinstalling only. Example

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