Inserting current date in php


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I am trying to enter the current date as the person registers but I did not want the user to inform this data but rather to enter it through some function with mysql, to save the date the provider was registered. But I tried some ways and I couldn’t, I looked here on the forum and I couldn’t so I created the question


                $id = $_POST['id'];
                $fornecedor = $_POST['fornecedor'];
                $observacoes = $_POST['observacoes'];
                $data_cadastro = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['data_cadastro']));

                $sql = "SELECT * FROM cadfor WHERE id_pessoa = '$id' "; 
                $resulta = $conn->query($sql);
                $row = $resulta->fetch_assoc();

                if ($resulta->num_rows > 0 ){
                    $result_endereco = "UPDATE cadfor SET tipo_endereco = '$tipo_endereco', cep = '$cep ', tipo_logr = '$tipo_logr', nome_logr = '$nome_logr', nume_logr = '$nume_logr', comp_logr = '$comp_logr', cidade = '$cidade', bairro = '$bairro', uf = '$uf' WHERE id_pessoa = '$id' ";
                } else {
                    $result_endereco = "INSERT INTO cadfor(id_pessoa, fornecedor, observacoes, data_cadastro) VALUES ('$id', '$fornecedor', '$observacoes', 'NOW()' )";
                $resultado = mysqli_query($conn, $result_endereco);
                echo $result_endereco;
  • Remove the quotes from the function NOW().

3 answers


You can use the function date() php passing the format you want.

date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
  • this format was not, I will update the code

  • The formats are different, you have to see what you need:

  • i wanted to enter the current date without the user needing to inform, but I threw it inside my code and it did not work even the field being date and I stating that it is date in php

  • If you store the value returned from the date function in a variable, the user will not need to fill in. The date function takes the current date and time from your server.


The function NOW() Mysql returns the current date.

You can do it like this:

$result_endereco = "INSERT INTO cadfor(id_pessoa, fornecedor, observacoes, data_cadastro) VALUES ('$id', '$fornecedor', '$observacoes', NOW())";

To work, the column data_cadastro has to be DATE, DATETIME or TIMESTAMP.

  • this format was not, I will update the code, it is of type date same but it was not

  • I made a comment on your question, look there.

  • thanks worked, nor had I attacked the quotes


You can use this:

date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
  • this format was not, I will update the code

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