Redeem user phone number


Viewed 119 times


On Android, using Java, it is possible to redeem the device user’s phone number with the following code:

TelephonyManager tMgr = (TelephonyManager)mAppContext.
String numero = tMgr.getLine1Number();

You can return the user number using Ionic + Angular?

1 answer


You can use the lib YES of ionic-native. Example:

 getInformacoesSIM() {
    this.sim.requestReadPermission().then(() => {
      this.sim.getSimInfo().then((info) => {
      }, err => {
    }, () => console.log('Permission denied'))

If you prefer to avoid the chaining of your files, you can also use the async/await

 async getInformacoesSIM() {
    try {
      let permission = await this.sim.requestReadPermission();
      let info = await this.sim.getSimInfo();
    } catch (er) {

According to the documentation, in return you will have the following payload:

  "carrierName": "Android",
  "countryCode": "us",
  "mcc": "310",
  "mnc": "260",
  "phoneNumber": "15555215554",
  "deviceId": "0000000000000000",
  "simSerialNumber": "89014103211118510720",
  "subscriberId": "310260000000000",
  "callState": 0,
  "dataActivity": 0,
  "networkType": 3,
  "phoneType": 1,
  "simState": 5,
  "isNetworkRoaming": false

NOTE: the content of phoneNumber is unreliable (see this and this article). Sometimes phoneNumber is only an Empty string.

According to the README.txt lib, not all phones are "able" to return the phone number, in which case the phoneNumber will be represented by an empty string.

  • 1

    I was trying exactly like this, but on my smartphone I was returning empty. So I thought I was doing something wrong. When I debugged, then I realized what was actually returning. Vlw to answer. = D

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