Installation of Composer Package


Viewed 95 times


I can’t install a package from commiserate on my windows computer that I needed because a Codeigniter documentation library depends on that package to run. I am using Windows 7 with Gitbash and Composer is working perfectly. The package in question is:


and the command executed in administrator mode is:

Composer global require --dev apigen/apigen

The error screen is this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I ask for help to install the library in my environment.

  • A library installed in Codeigniter! What is the library? Surely the problem lies in the versioning of packages? but, what is the main library?

  • @Virgilionovic actually it is not a dependency, it is a documentation class for Codeigniter and does not want to install on the global.

  • Okay Marcos what is this class? That’s what I’d like to know

  • @Virgilionovic apigen is the class. It is the documentation class.

  • Then do a test install composer global require apigen/apigen "^4.1" or composer require apigen/apigen "^4.1" without the global

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