is not working


Viewed 218 times


I am trying to submit a form to an API with the http post. Angular, but I’m not getting it:


save(auditoria):Observable <{}>{
    let headers = new Headers();
        headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });

    return`${Utils.WEBSERVICE}/api/audit`, auditoria, options).map( (res:Response) => res.json());

This is how it looks on the console

Request URL:

Request Method:OPTIONS

Status Code:404 Not Found

In my API there is nothing that receives Verb Options, when I do the same sending using the POSTMAN everything happens normal, only it doesn’t work for the application I’m building.

  • You have enabled CORS in your Backend?

  • @Hiagosouza, is enabled yes

  • Even if I make the same request using Postman, it works well

  • See if endpoint really is this and check the format of the data you are going through, make sure the json payload matches the expected data on the server.

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