File upload


Viewed 33 times


I’m testing the free account of S3 and Glacier, I uploaded the files in S3 so that it is automatically transferred to Glacier, but it’s been 2 days already and does not show the files I climbed in S3, it takes even to appear or have some problem?

  • S3 uploads (putObject) is read immediately after writing, that is, soon after uploading the files are already available in Bucket. Check if you are in the same region where the upload was made, if there was no error during the upload and also if the files were not transferred to Glacier and removed from Bucket.

  • I could notice that S3 I upload the files, but Lacier did not pull, you know how I know if there was error ?

  • This depends on the life cycle rule you set for your Bucket. There are several tutorials talking about it, take a look at this one:

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