I have the following problem:
Write the maior_prime function that takes an integer number greater than or equal to 2 as parameter and returns the largest prime number less than or equal to the number passed to the function
Note that
maior_primo(100) must return 97
maior_primo(7) must return 7
Tip: write a function éPrimo(k) and loop through the numbers to the given number checking whether the number is prime or not; if so, store in a variable. At the end of the loop, the value stored in the variable is the largest prime found.
My solution would be:
def éPrimo (k):
div = 2
while k % div != 0 and div <= k:
div = div + 1
if k % div == 0:
k = k - 1
print (k)
I am very much convinced that I am right, I am still at a very beginner level and if someone can give me a light on these basic parameters it would be of great help.
Cade the function
? The problem so far seems to me to be her. Although I did not understand the statement of the question for lack of commas and punctuation, it has a lot of text mixed, hard to be sure what you did or wrote.– Guilherme Nascimento
Yes, Really LINQ. It seems to be the same course. Thank you very much.
– Pedro Henrique Santos
Related: How to generate 200,000 primes as fast as possible in Python?
– Woss