I have two List,
the first, which is a list containing all the establishments available in the company, for example:
Sigla - XPTO
Descricao - XPTO List
Sigla - RPTO
Descricao - RPTO List
Sigla - GTOR
Descricao - GTOR List
The second owned establishments I can access, which in this case is just :
Sigla - XPTO
Descricao - XPTO List
I need to keep on the first list only the establishments I own on Monday.
Return from the first list would be :
Sigla - XPTO
Descricao - XPTO List
It would be the comparison of the first with the second, removing from the first what I don’t have on the second.
But it allows me to explore these elements and consider on the first list only what I have on the second?
– Anderson Apdo de Souza
After executing the code of the response to list1 you will only have the elements that exist simultaneously in the two lists
– ramaral
There is no way for me to make the intercession without having to implement the Iequalitycomparer interface?
– Anderson Apdo de Souza
Using this method has to implement. But even if you use another way you will always have to find a way to know when two objects Establishment are equal.
– ramaral