Is Myisam the default Storage engine on this Mysql server?


Viewed 257 times


I saw that message today:

Myisam is the Storage engine by default on this Mysql server

How so "default"? What is this defect? I use Innodb, and yet this message appears.

Is there a problem with leaving it like this? So far none has occurred, but there is?

How can I fix this for Innodb?

Note: Use phpMyAdmin 4.6.4 local, with Mysql 5.7.14.



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  • In my case it’s unlike "Innodb is the default Storage engine on this Mysql server"... this post helped me!

1 answer


This is Portuguese from Portugal. By default it would be by default, or by default as we usually use in Brazil. It is the value that will be used in the absence of a certain value explicitly at the time it will be used.

So if it is Myisam in most cases you want to use it is the right one. If you almost always want to use Innodb then it would be interesting to change, but it is not mandatory because you can always define the type at the time of creation.

In fact the most appropriate is to create new databases defined with the engine you want to use explicitly to avoid inconvenience of having changed the pattern unintentionally or being in a different environment.

If you want to change go to the archive my.cfg and change:

default-storage-engine = innodb

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