Save phrase in Textview when closing the app


Viewed 117 times


I have many phrases that will be displayed in a Textview, while I’m clicking on the button will appear new phrases, I wonder if the phrase that is in the Indice 0, when you click it goes to Indice 1, if I close the app and open again I want you to stay where you were when closing, in Indice 1

  • Sharedpreferences

  • 1

    See if that’s the answer of this question or of that help you.

  • Sharedprefences? Sorry, could you specify better? because I’m used to taking an Edittext value and then saving it from there, I never did with already defined Array phrases

2 answers


To help follow example using Sharedpreferences I took from a project of mine:

        public static final String MY_PREFS = "MEUAPP";
        SharedPreferences preferences = getSharedPreferences(MY_PREFS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
        editor.clear(); // No teu caso pode retirar o clear, eh que eu precisava que começasse vazio
        // Utilizo esse objeto collegeData pq estou pegando a informação de um retorno json, mas vc pode utilizar um TextView ali
        editor.putInt("id", Integer.parseInt(collegeData.getString("id")));
        editor.putString("nome", collegeData.getString("nome"));

To get the info you saved earlier just declare Sharedpreferences again in the Activity you want.

        public static final String MY_PREFS = "MEUAPP";
        TextView name = (TextView) header.findViewById(;

        SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(MY_PREFS, MODE_PRIVATE);
        name.setText(prefs.getString("nome", null));


You need to overwrite the method onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState), in this method you must put the value of your variable that stores the index, follow the example:

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  savedInstanceState.putInt("MeuIndice", suaPropriedadeQueArmazenaOIndice);

In onCreate, you can recover the data, whenever application returns it goes back to the onCreate method, follow the example:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        suaPropriedadeQueArmazenaOIndice = savedInstanceState.getInt("MeuIndice");
  • is giving error, when button to run, says the application stopped, will not be missing onRestoreInstanceState?

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