Develop Plugin for Windows Desktop


Viewed 46 times


I am developing a Cordova plugin for windows desktop and need to use some native functions, I will have to use Windows Runtime. I started by following a tutorial and I have the following structure:

 - /src
  - /EchoRuntime
  - /bin
  - /obj
  - /Properties
  - EchoPluginRT.cs
  - EchoRuntimeComponent.csproj
  - echopluginProxy.js
 - /www
  - echoplugin.js
 - plugin.xml 

At code level I have the following:

xml plugin.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<plugin xmlns="" id="com.teste.echoplugin" version="0.1.0">

<description>Echo demo plugin for Apache Cordova</description>

<js-module src="www/echoplugin.js" name="echoplugin">
    <clobbers target="window.echoplugin" />

<!-- windows8 -->
<platform name="windows">
    <js-module src="src/windows/echopluginProxy.js" name="EchoProxy">
        <merges target="" />

  <framework src="src/windows/EchoRuntime/EchoRuntimeComponent.csproj" custom="true" type="projectReference"/>


var EchoPlugin = {
    // the echo function calls successCallback with the provided text in strInput
    // if strInput is empty, it will call the errorCallback
    echo:function(successCallback, errorCallback, strInput) {

module.exports = EchoPlugin;


    echo:function(successCallback,errorCallback,strInput) {
        var res = EchoRuntimeComponent.EchoPluginRT.echo(strInput);

        if(res.indexOf("Error") == 0) {
        else {


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace EchoRuntimeComponent
      public sealed class EchoPluginRT
        public static string echo(string valor)
            return " PASSOU AQUI";

Chamada da Função

Only with Javascript can I get it working now with the C# function is not. Someone can help?

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