Manual configuration of Spring Data


Viewed 202 times


I’m trying to use Springdata on a Jface/SWT project. Because the Crudrepository self implementation feature is something fantastic and very advantageous.

For this, I include here in the classpath the necessary things of Springdata: Spring Data Commons, Spring Data JPA, Spring Bean, Spring Context.

For me, it would only be 4 steps to do this manually:

1 - Include jars in classpath (no classpath error) 2 - Note in the application the information for the Spring exit revoking the classes:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = "org.wender.foobar")
public class ControleGadoApp extends ApplicationWindow {

3 - Create an interface that extends Crudrepository:

public interface Clienterepository extends Crudrepository

4 - Create a class attribute and annotate it with @Autowired

public class TelaCliente extends AbstractTela {

        private ClienteRepository repository;

Those four steps weren’t enough, @Autowired didn’t work and the class variable is coming null.

Is there any more configuration?

  • How are you instantiating the TelaCliente? You must have a Spring container that controls the injection of dependencies. Reference:

  • I discovered the problem, I needed to boot my application as Commandline Application (spring boot)

  • Beauty! Put your code here as an answer, to help other people.

1 answer


The problem is that the application was not being initialized as a Spring application. For me this was not necessary for desktop application, it was a thing of web application. Below are the two details (1) annotate @Springbootapplication and (2) implement Commandlinerunner

public class App extends ApplicationWindow implements CommandLineRunner  {

public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
   //Aqui eu coloquei o que antes estava no método main 

public static void main(String args[]) {, args);

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