How to add an animation button to go back to the top of the page using the easings library?


Viewed 885 times


The search for effects to add on a button like "Back to Top" found this jQuery library that uses the Transition CSS, SCSS and jQuery itself to make animations, but I couldn’t add them to the top button, does anyone know? Or you know another one like this?


  • 1

    Will you import an entire library just for that purpose? There are simple resolutions of less than 10 lines that does what you want

  • 2

    I don’t know if I understood your question correctly, but whenever I need to use animations, I do simulations on the site

  • @thaináv. did not know this, thank you very much!

  • 1

    For nothing, arrange! =)

2 answers


To apply easing you can do as follows:

$('button').on('click', function() {
  $('html, body').animate({
    scrollTop: $($(this).data('target')).offset().top
  }, 800, 'easeOutBounce'); // o easing que queres entra como ultimo argumento
div {
  height: 600px;
#one {
  background-color: red;
#two {
  background-color: blue;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<button data-target="#one">ONE</button>
<button data-target="#two">TWO</button>

<div id="one"></div>
<div id="two"></div>

In your case to return to the top you would change the object that enters the Animate:

$('BOTAO_PARA_TOPO').on('click', function() {
    $('html, body').animate({
       scrollTop: 0
    }, 800, 'easeOutBounce');

You can edit and put any effect (easing) from here

  • 1

    It was exactly what I wanted, it worked perfectly, just change and take easeOutBounce and put any other effect that this on the link. Thank you @miguel was exactly what I wanted. Thank you

  • 1

    Any other exact link also works. Thank goodness @Claytonfurlanetto, you’re welcome


I made this code is very simple to use:

$(function () {
    var $doc = $('html, body');
    $('.ancora').click(function () {
            scrollTop: $($(this).attr('href')).position().top
        }, 700);
        return false;

You add the "anchor" class in the "a" you want to make the anchor effect:


<a class="ancora" href="#topo">vai para o topo</a>

And in href you put where it goes, for example you put in the first div of your site the top id.

<div id="topo">

So it goes up to the div with the top id.


If you want a horizontal scroll:

$(function () {
    var $doc = $('html, body');
    $('.ancora').click(function () {
            scrollLeft: $($(this).attr('href')).position().left
        }, 700);
        return false;


  • This kind of effect I have already done, but wanted something different, you took a look at the link, saw the effects? By your answer I think you did not see. These different effects that are on the link I wanted to add, to make it something different.

  • @Claytonfurlanetto made an edit, but da to do horizontally too and the change is very simple, the biggest job in all this is css.

  • Thank you Wictor our friend Miguel down there explained me how to use the library effects, I wanted to use it because for each project I can apply the effects, still crawling in js, thanks for the help.

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