How to count the number of "Rows" in a python table


Viewed 1,978 times


For example, I have a database called 123, in this database is the players table, which is where the players' accounts are. I want to count how many accounts there are in the database.

Finally, count the number of Rows from an SQLITE3 table, using PYTHON 2.7.

What I got so far:

# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
import sqlite3

# Connexion for database
    print "Tentando conectar-se ao banco de dados."
    Database, Cursor = None, None
    Database = sqlite3.connect("./database/database.db", check_same_thread = False)
    Database.text_factory = str
    Database.isolation_level = None
    Database.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
    Cursor = Database.cursor()
    print "Conectado com o banco de dados.\n"
    print "[ERROR] Falha na conexão do banco de dados."


  • Okay, what do you already have of code so far? Have you managed to connect to the database with Python? Gave any error? You know SQL?

  • Att: Codico att I have connection, no errors in connection. =/

  • What about SQL? You know how a query is made with SQL?

  • I know very little about SQL, more know yes Delete, update, insert values in tables. Query also.

  • Try to run the query: select count(*) from jogadores

2 answers


Creating database containing a player table with 3 records:

import sqlite3

jogadores = [ { "id" : 1, "nome" : "Joao" }, { "id" : 2, "nome" : "Maria" }, { "id" : 3, "nome" : "Jesus" } ]

conn = sqlite3.connect('foobar.db')

c = conn.cursor()

c.execute("CREATE TABLE tb_jogador ( id integer, nome text );")

for j in jogadores:
    c.execute("INSERT INTO tb_jogador ( id, nome ) VALUES ( %d, '%s' );" % ( j["id"], j["nome"] ))


Recovering amount of records contained in the table:

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('foobar.db')

c = conn.cursor()

c.execute('SELECT count(1) FROM tb_jogador')

count = list(c)[0]

print("Quantidade de jogadores registrados: %d" % (count) )



You could do that too:

cursor.execute(f'SELECT * FROM jogadores')
count = len(cursor.fetchall())

fetchall() takes all the rows of your table and puts them in a tuple, all of them within a list. So just put Len to count how many values are inside that list. :)


cursor.fetchall(): searches all rows of a query result. It returns all rows as a list of tuples. An empty list is returned if there is no record to search.

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