2 files properties on Spring Boot


Viewed 1,074 times


I am developing an API with Spring Boot, and I have 2 properties files for the development and production environments, How do I set the properties file of certain environment?

1 answer


1. Add the profiles of dev and Prod in your file pom.xml



2. Add the following line to your file application properties:

[email protected]@

3. Create two files that represent your dev and Prod


4. Execute the project according to the profile

dev: mvn clean compile spring-boot:run

Prod: mvn clean compile spring-boot:run -Pprod

On my Github you have a project with this setup. Links:


application properties



  • Thanks, I did the same as the example, but when deploying with the command below " mvn clean spring-boot:run -Dspring.profiles.active=Prod ", it takes the development profile. 2017-10-10 14:39:00.464 INFO 5470 --- [ restartedMain] c.ernetwork.api.Apiernetworkapplication : The following profiles are active: dev Sera I forgot some detail?

  • It worked, I ran this "mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.profiles=Prod" command. Thanks for the help

  • @wanderwang, I’m glad it worked out! A while ago I had this same problem. hehe

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