ng-click is not triggered inside a <label> (Angular1)


Viewed 48 times


Good afternoon,

In my project, I have a component that is shared by other different components. This component is called toggle-switch-input. This component serves to filter some values from a list, and each item has a slider that, after your click, there should be a slide effect. In your html (toggle-switch-input.html), I have the following code:

    <div class="slider round"></div>

And on your controller (toggle-switch-input.controller.js) I have its functions (isSelected and itemToggleSwitch). There are many pages that use this component without any problem, except for one of them. I’ve been making some prints on the console of browser and when I click on the element I want (in this case a button in format slide), it calls the function isSelected, but for some reason it cannot call the function of the ng-click (itemToggleSwitch). However, on the other pages this occurs without any kind of problem: It makes the slide by calling the isSelected and itemToggleSwitch functions.

Does anyone have any light? I’m around the code and I’m not seeing any possible solution. The strange thing is that this component can be shared perfectly by other components, except in one.

The two functions present in the toggle-switch-input.controller.js controller:

this.isSelected = (index) => {
  if(this.ngModel.$modelValue.indexOf(this.choices[index]) === -1){
    return false;
  } else{
    return true;

this.itemToggleSwitch = function (index) {

    var newList = angular.copy(this.ngModel.$modelValue);

    var itemIndex = newList.indexOf(this.choices[index]);

    if(itemIndex === -1){
    } else {
        newList.splice(itemIndex, 1);


Thank you very much and continue a good day!

  • Really weird. Can you put the 2 HTML, one of a working page, and the HTML of the not working page in the Question for comparison? Thank you

  • Power I can, but for example, let’s compare the . html from one page that works from another that doesn’t work: they both have the following code snippet on their pages: <filter-column> ......... </filter-column>. This filter-column will then call this <toggle-switch-input>. The parameters I pass in the filter-column are the same in the two html. That’s why it’s so weird..

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