Error in include when uploading site


Viewed 265 times


Hello! I’ll be brief. I’m having problems on the server Upload my website test to check how the login on facebook would look on the air. That is the mistake:

Warning: include(/Storage/ssd2/781/3154781/public_html/lib/Facebook/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Storage/ssd2/781/3154781/public_html/users/loginFace.php on line 6

Warning: include(): Failed Opening '/Storage/ssd2/781/3154781/public_html/lib/Facebook/autoload.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/Pear:/usr/share/php') in /Storage/ssd2/781/3154781/public_html/users/loginFace.php on line 6

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Facebook Facebook' not found in /Storage/ssd2/781/3154781/public_html/users/loginFace.php:10 Stack trace: #0 /Storage/ssd2/781/3154781/public_html/index.php(2): include_once() #1 {main} thrown in /Storage/ssd2/781/3154781/public_html/users/loginFace.php on line 10

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Part of the code where the error occurs:

if(!isset($_SESSION)) { 


$fb  =  new  \Facebook\Facebook([ 
'app_id' => '1511055948960318' ,
 'app_secret' => '710b34a0395d103abdbfe8909878e82e' ,
  'default_graph_version ' => ' v2.9 ' , 
  // ' Default_access_token '=>' {access-token} ', // opcional

The code on the Wamp server works perfectly. All folders and subfolders are right. Can anyone help me? Thanks!

  • 2

    And in the folder /storage/ssd2/781/3154781/public_html/users/loginFace.php there is the file??

  • yes, if it is from the above code where the error is. loginFace.php

  • Isn’t that what the error message is saying, you checked if there is no case difference in the letters? Ex: longinface.php or Users

1 answer


If you are using the free account gives up, this Hosting is full of rules not configurable, which they leave default for security.

Inexplicable errors end up happening works perfectly elsewhere and in it does not work and you end up wasting hours trying to kill an error that does not exist, I use this hosting only for small test scripts

In this error you say the path is wrong or the file not found check Permissions may help

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