I cannot implement a Sfdatagrid


Viewed 21 times


Trying to follow a tutorial here to create a Sfdatagrid, but it’s not working. I’m very doubtful about how to implement it. My Model Class

namespace Autorizador.Model
        public class LiberacaoGrid
            private double dataLib;
            private string cliente;
            private string vendedor;
            private string filial;

            public double DataLib
                get { return dataLib; }
                set { this.dataLib = value; }
            public string Cliente
                get { return cliente; }
                set { this.cliente = value; }
            public string Vendedor
                get { return vendedor; }
                set { this.vendedor = value; }
            public string Filial
                get { return filial; }
                set { this.filial = value; }
            public LiberacaoGrid(double datalib, string cliente, string vendedor, string filial)
                this.DataLib = datalib;
                this.Cliente = cliente;
                this.Vendedor = vendedor;
                this.Filial = filial;

Another class called a repository

namespace Autorizador.Model
    public class LiberacaoRepository
        DataService dataService;
        List<Liberacao> lib;
        private ObservableCollection<LiberacaoGrid> orderInfo;
        public ObservableCollection<LiberacaoGrid> OrderInfoCollection
            get { return orderInfo; }
            set { this.orderInfo = value; }
        public LiberacaoRepository()
            dataService = new DataService();
            orderInfo = new ObservableCollection<LiberacaoGrid>();
        public async void AtualizaDados()
            lib = await dataService.GetLiberaAsync();


My App.xaml.Cs

namespace Autorizador
    public partial class App : Application
        SfDataGrid dataGrid;
        public App()

            dataGrid = new SfDataGrid();
            MainPage = new ContentPage { Content = dataGrid };
        //MainPage = new Autorizador.MainPage();
        //MainPage = new NavigationPage(new Autorizador.MainPage());

    protected override void OnStart()

    protected override void OnSleep()
        // Handle when your app sleeps

    protected override void OnResume()
        // Handle when your app resumes


DataService dataService;
        List<Liberacao> lib;
        double _idorcamento = 0d;
        LiberacaoRepository lRepository = new LiberacaoRepository();

        public MainPage()
            dataService = new DataService();

            //Content = new ScrollView { Content = listaLibera, Orientation = ScrollOrientation.Both };
        catch(Exception ex)
            string erro = ex.Message;

    private async void AtualizaDados()
            lib = await dataService.GetLiberaAsync();
            //listaLibera.ItemsSource = lib.OrderBy(item => item.Cliente).ToList();
            dataGrid.ItemsSource = lib.OrderBy(item => item.Cliente).ToList(); //lRepository.OrderInfoCollection;
        catch (Exception ex)
            string erro = ex.Message;

I know there’s something missing from that code, but I don’t know what it is

1 answer


I got it this way:

SfDataGrid dataGrid;
        DataService dataService = new DataService();
        public App()

            dataGrid = new SfDataGrid();
            MainPage = new ContentPage { Content = dataGrid };

            //MainPage = new Autorizador.MainPage();
            //MainPage = new NavigationPage(new Autorizador.MainPage());

        public async void CriaDataGrid()
            dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

            GridTextColumn dataLib = new GridTextColumn();
            dataLib.MappingName = "DataLib";
            dataLib.HeaderText = "Data";
            dataLib.Width = 80;
            dataLib.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

            GridTextColumn cliente = new GridTextColumn();
            cliente.MappingName = "Cliente";
            cliente.HeaderText = "Cliente";
            cliente.Width = 180;
            cliente.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

            GridTextColumn vendedor = new GridTextColumn();
            vendedor.MappingName = "Vendedor";
            vendedor.HeaderText = "Vendedor";
            vendedor.Width = 180;
            vendedor.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

            GridTextColumn filial = new GridTextColumn();
            filial.MappingName = "Filial";
            filial.HeaderText = "Filial";
            filial.Width = 100;
            filial.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;


            //dataGrid.AllowResizingColumn = true;
            dataGrid.ItemsSource = await dataService.GetLiberaAsync();

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