Prisma - How to convert integer to binary?


Viewed 137 times


I need a function in the Prism language that converts an integer to its binary form. For example, to convert 255 for 11111111.

I have to create a formula just like

tab = {}                           // declarando uma tabela vazia
funcao bits(n)                     // "n" é o número inteiro
    enquanto verdadeiro inicio     // laço para preencher a tabela
    n = n / 2                      // divido n por 2 até chegar a 0
    resto = "resto de n por 2"     // tenho que pegar o resto da divisão
    tabela.insira(tab,1,resto)     // alimentando a tabela
    fim                            // fim do laço
    retorne tab                    // retorna a tabela com os binários

imprima(bits(255))                 //--------- saída >> 11111111
  • For those who do not know what prism is:

  • This comment was not for you. It was for other people who come to see your question and do not understand what it is.

  • Well, I edited the question and voted to reopen it. If you put in it the code that you’ve already tried to do, it helps convince other users to reopen it.

  • What I asked was how to convert integer to binary and not hexadecimal. Now if the function does something else, dot to it.

  • Do you want to return a table? Returning a string with zeros and ones would not be better?

  • I put a table because it came to my head, but it can be a chain too, for me whatever.

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1 answer


First, you should avoid global variables and prefer to use local variables. In almost no language use global variable is good programming practice and it is very easy to make up a code tightly tied, confused, bugged and difficult to move when using global variables. So always avoid them.

Second, I think returning as a string is best. Use .. to concatenate strings.

Third, the operator of the rest of the division is the %.

Fourth, use the function mat.corte to remove the fractions. The reason is that you want the split by two at each step to be an entire split.

Fifth, the loop must rotate until the number becomes zero.

Sixth, I put two se to deal with zero and negative numbers.

Here’s the code:

// "n" é o número inteiro.
funcao bits(n)
    // Lida com o caso especial de n ser zero.
    se n == 0 entao
        retorne "0"

    // Declara uma string inicialmente vazia.
    local resposta = ""

    // Verifica se é negatiovo para colocar o sinal de menos depois.
    local menos = falso
    se n < 0 entao
        menos = verdadeiro
        n = -n

    // Laço para preencher a string.
    enquanto n > 0 inicio
        // Pega o resto da divisão.
        local resto = n % 2

        // Isola os demais dígitos do número.
        n = mat.corte(n / 2)

        // Alimenta a string.
        resposta = resto .. resposta

    // Coloca o sinal de menos de volta, se necessário.
    se menos entao
        resposta = "-" .. resposta

    // Retorna a string com os binários.
    retorne resposta


Note these instructions imprima at the end. They are there to test the program. Here is the output produced:


Note that these binary numbers produced are expected, so it is possible to believe that my implementation is correct.

Ah, and this is the first time I’ve had contact with that language. Before I saw your question, I didn’t even know it existed.

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