Hello, I want to do the following: Create in Mysql the n-to-n relationship where men have friendships with women and women also have friendships with men.
John has friendship with Fernanda, but, Fernanda has no friendship with John rather with Carlos, but John continues to have friendship with Fernanda.
I created a n-to-n model where men befriend women, but couldn’t make women befriend men and vice versa.
See my SQL script below:
create database pessoas;
use pessoas;
create table homens (id int auto_increment, nome varchar(10), primary key (id));
create table mulheres (id int auto_increment, nome varchar(10), primary key (id));
create table amizades (id int auto_increment, homem_id int, mulher_id int,
primary key(id),
foreign key(homem_id) references homens(id),
foreign key(mulher_id) references mulheres(id));
insert into homens values
(default, 'Joao'),
(default, 'Flavio'),
(default, 'Carlos');
insert into mulheres values
insert into amizades values
(default, 1, 2),
(default, 2, 1),
(default, 3, 3);
/* join com 3 tabelas, aparecer o id e nome do homem e depois o id e nome da mulher de quem o homem é amigo */
select homens.id, homens.nome, mulheres.id, mulheres.nome from homens join amizades on homens.id = amizades.homem_id
join mulheres on amizades.mulher_id = mulheres.id order by homens.id;
I want an explicit relationship in the database so I know who has friendship with whom and not just simulate that relationship by changing the order of the columns in the SELECT
, understood? What better way to do this?
Make a table only PERSON (ID, NAME, SEX) other FRIENDSHIP (ID_DE,ID_PARA) and by TRIGGER test if the sexes are different
– Motta
More I want to know regarding n-to-n something explicit and not testing the sexes.
– Bruno
just did not see the need for two tables, the relationship would be maintained.
– Motta
@Motta Valeu ai
– Bruno