Improve image quality - Upload Facebook API


Viewed 28 times


I’m performing the creation of a Facebook post with a photo with the following code:

        {"url": imagem,"message": texto_publicaco},
        function(response) {
            alert("Postagem criada");

The variable imagem contains the URL to which I uploaded to the server of the site I am working on. The image is in JPG and the server loads normally.

But when I post on facebook the image quality is VERY low.

Is there any way to improve even a little the quality of the image that is loaded there?

1 answer


The answer I found was to decrease the JPEG quality while uploading the image to my server before creating the Facebook post using the Wideimage class for PHP with the following code:

 //Classe para manipular a qualidade da imagem

    $imagem = WideImage::load($tmpFile);
    $imagem->saveToFile(PASTA_UPLOAD . '/' . $_GET['filename'], 85);

Here I reduced the quality to 85% and managed to greatly decrease the size and compression rate while uploading from Facebook.

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