Undefined Reference to


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I have a program that’s divided into your main, city.c and city.h.


#include "city.h"

int main()
    FILE *entrada;
    FILE *saida;
    Cidade *cidades;

    entrada = fopen("entrada.c", "r");

    int numeroCidades = LeNumeroDeCidades(entrada);
    LeCidades(entrada, &cidades, numeroCidades);

    saida = fopen("saida.c", "w");

    Possibilidades(saida, numeroCidades);
    int sequencia[numeroCidades];
    int totalViagens = TotalViagens(numeroCidades);
    MenorRota(saida, cidades, sequencia, numeroCidades, totalViagens);

    return 0;

City. c:

#include "city.h"

(Todas as funções e seus corpos)...

City. h:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define INFINITO 9999999

typedef struct
    int x;
    int y;
} Cidade;

void CriaCidade(Cidade *, int , int);
int LeNumeroDeCidades(FILE *);
void LeCidades(FILE *, Cidade **, int);
float Distancia(Cidade *, int, int *);
int TotalViagens(int);
void Troca(int *, int *);
void GeraRotaseDistancias(FILE *, Cidade *, int *, int, int, int, float *, float *);
void CriaSequencia(int, int *);
void MenorRota(FILE *, Cidade *, int *, int, int);
void Possibilidades(FILE *, int);


When compiling, I get the same problem for all functions:

||=== Build: Debug in city (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
obj\Debug\main.o||In function `main':|
C:\Users\windows\city\main.c|13|undefined reference to `LeNumeroDeCidades'|
C:\Users\windows\city\main.c|14|undefined reference to `LeCidades'|
C:\Users\windows\city\main.c|19|undefined reference to `Possibilidades'|
C:\Users\windows\city\main.c|21|undefined reference to `TotalViagens'|
C:\Users\windows\city\main.c|22|undefined reference to `MenorRota'|
||error: ld returned 1 exit status|
||=== Build failed: 6 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 3 second(s)) ===|

I would like to know what is causing this problem.

  • Link error. Know Makefile?

  • I don’t know, Jefferson

  • Compile using Codeblocks

  • 3

    If your project is only these 3 files, and you are using Linux, try running this line in the project folder, where the files are: gcc -o main city.c main.c and see if it works

  • It’s good to know the life cycle of compiling a program in C. This answer talks about this: https://answall.com/a/213804/64969 I think you can teach codeblocks how to use a Makefile to compile (the Makefile is the focus of the linked answer question). I believe that codeblocks also has a project configuration without any Makefile, which in this case is not configured to link the main with other objects files

  • The strange thing is that I have done this way of separating the files . c and . h other times and never gave this kind of problem. But with this example, it was wrong. This is normal?

  • Placing the function bodies in the file . h, the problem ceases to exist. There is an explanation?

  • Yes, there is an explanation. You read the answer I wrote? There is the explanation, and also why this is a freak of nature. In short? Let header have statement only, no implementation

  • Related: https://answall.com/a/243516/64969

  • You created the project in Codeblocks or just tried to compile/run main. c?

  • I created the project yes. I managed to fix the problem. Thank you all

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