Division into chartjs categories


Viewed 58 times


Situation: I have a chart that presents the performance of the user and the group according to some questions that were answered by them. Each question belongs to 1 module and has an identifier (Lesson).

Need: The problem is I haven’t found any way to add this two information: module and Lesson on the chartJs.

I have the following chart:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And I need to do something like this: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Note that the second report is divided into Module and Lesson, and the division of the Module is presented the total time of the user and the group.

Does anyone have any idea how to do something similar or equal to this?

  • Could you please try to describe the problem better in words? It is interesting that the questions are indexed by Google in order to meet other programmers with the same problem in the future. = D

  • I edited the question to try to improve... I don’t know if I could make it clear through the words (I accept editions). I believe the images made it clear.

  • @Karanalvespereira, could specifically inform which items of the chart below you would like to put on the chart Chart.js? And what would these items be? What do they represent in the graphic? What is their purpose? Perhaps the problem can be solved in a slightly different way, but for this it is necessary to understand the problem.

  • @Fernando made an issue in the question explaining the scenario!!!

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