Access device via CMD


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How to access android internal folders using cmd CD command.

ex: My Computer Redmi 4X Internal Storage

2 answers


That is not possible

but it is possible to access the android folders by Explorer by starting a service FTP on Android Device.

recommend using this app:

when opening the app, go to "Access from a PC" then click Start, an ftp link will appear on the screen

then go to the windows run menu and type "explorer" give a space and paste ftp link and give enter. then you will have access to the folders of your phone by PC


You can access with ADB.

  • If your intention is to backup files (photos, videos, game birds, etc.), you can use adb backup -f <file_name> [-[no]apk] <package_name>.
  • If you want to install an app, use: adb install [android app].apk.
  • To restart the device: adb reboot.
  • To restart the device on Recovery mode: adb reboot recovery.
  • To copy a file from the computer to the device: adb push [pasta no computador / nomedoarquivo.extensão] [Pasta no aparelho]
  • To copy a file from the device to the computer: adb pull [pasta no computador / nomedoarquivo.extensão] [Pasta no computador] (If the directory is not specified, the file will go to the ADB executable folder or to the /home.)


  • Having ADB and drivers installed, you run the commands by cmd.

  • 2

    This link may be a good suggestion, but your reply will not be valid if one day the link crashes. In addition, it is important for the community to have content right here on the site. It would be better to include more details in your response. A summary of the content of the link would be helpful enough! Learn more about it in this item of our Community FAQ: We want answers that contain only links?

  • Okay. I’ll edit the answer. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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