Zeos Query freezing the program


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I have a system that connects remotely to a server with MySQL on the Web using Zeos, in some cases where the connection usually oscillates, when running the Open in a query, the system freezes, displays no error and does not lock, the visual part of the system continues responding normally, only that the resources do not perform any action, The system won’t start working until it’s rebooted. Has anyone ever had this problem, or seen anything like it?

  • Yes, use an Exception treatment for connection errors or a condition to loop when the return of your query is null and keep trying to run the same query, this will fix your problems, it worked here where I work

  • I have all the system code inside Try.. except to avoid crashes during the execution of routines, since some clients have many oscillations in the connection, in case of error the system should cancel the process being executed, write the error in a log and follow to the next routine, mostly works normally, only a few days ago we had to change the version of Zeos because our hosting service was migrated to another machine and with that updated the version of Mysql, in this new version in some cases the system works normally for a long time

  • But there comes a time when it closes Zquery, inserts the SQL and gives the Open command, at this time it does not open the query and gives no error, and the strange thing is that neither the visual hangs, but in any case, I will put the process in one thread and leave another running to follow the execution

  • Check the property IsConnected of the connection before giving a Open query can solve your problem. Have you tried? How is Timeout?

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