I have a column in my mysql table, in which it is called "positions", where several values in int are placed there, however, with the "|" of division.
Example: 8|19|10|20|
And each number represents a category.
I would like to make a SELECT where I have only one number, I would select the records that have this number in the middle.
Example: I chose number 8 to select from the table, where my column positions is equal to 8|19|10|20|, as it has the number 8, it will return positively.
$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : ''; // numero que vou selecionar
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE cargos LIKE '%$id%' OR cargos = '$id' ORDER BY id");
while($ver = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
I tried to do it this way, but it didn’t work with "LIKE".
I believe that the ideal is to completely reformulate the database, it makes no sense to store several values in a single column. The database supports several tables, it would be much easier and faster if you created a table "positions". There is a way to solve the problem, but that doesn’t seem like a good idea.
– Inkeliz
Look, are you sure it’s not working ? sqlfiddle .... Of course report example
cargos = "4"
will not work, have to use theLIKE
– NoobSaibot