Footer does not permance below Body, and Hover buttons triggers without the cursor being on top


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I’ve been having a problem for a few days, I tried to solve several ways, I’ve tried to change the "position" from "relative" to "Fixed" and "Absolute", before I didn’t have a "wrapper", in fact until now I don’t know what it’s for, but I’ve changed those things without and with the "wrapper" And nothing changed, I was having another problem with a white space underneath the "footer", and it became more evident when I zoom in. I looked in some forums and in several questions here in stack overflow in English and nobody could also solve the problem of this cursed footer, I believe that some people already had to deal with it also ashasuhuashu said that has to solve with Javascript, but I think it’s ridiculous that an HTML/CSS structure problem can only be solved with JS, I’m pretty sure there’s some way to solve it without using it, but it’s been a few days that I’m stuck in it without knowing how to solve so I decided to ask.

Another problem is being the "Hover" of the bottom buttons, the phone and resume, It is being triggered even when the arrow passed next to the button, It should not be happening, I imagine something related to "div" or even "li", you can’t take them off because I need the "href" to wrap the whole button and not just the text inside the button, after all, it wouldn’t be a button like this ashasusahu

PS: The site is in the "beta" phase, I’m not using it as a portfolio, stay calm, it’s just for training because I didn’t go into some of the languages I mentioned in "Skills". Thanks in advance to those who can devote their time to answer my questions!!!

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  • I did not understand the problem of footer, the buttons need to see the css, probably your UL is occupying more than it should, consider visiting the links of the comment above and [Edit] your question to avoid closing, and so appear solutions and answers... Good Luck!

  • The space between the footer and the buttons is huge, although there is no padding or height on the footer or on the buttons to give this space, you can notice this also when you zoom in on the page, the space ends up becoming bigger and bigger. As for the buttons I’ll poke around in ul to see if I can solve

  • Are you using any CSS framework? Tested on smaller screens?

  • Nope, pure CSS, no picking up anything ready to learn Ashsauhu and I haven’t tried it on smaller screens, but that’s exactly why I zoom in, because I want the site to be flexible when it comes to bigger and smaller resolutions. =(

  • The wrapper is min-height:100% forcing the footer to stay off the screen.

  • Yes, but when I remove persists the problem of white space below the footer and the footer does not stick with the bottom of the site =(

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