I have two selects, being the second select totally dependent on the first. I would like to perform the filter, but I’m not able to visualize a solution. Could someone help me?
<!-- Todas as tecnologias -->
<div class="mws-form-block">
<div class="mws-form-row">
<div class="mws-form-item large">
<select name="rTecn" onChange="document.formFilter.submit();">
<option value="">[ Todas as tecnologias ]</option>
$TECN = getTecnologias();
while ($TECNOLOGIA = mysql_fetch_array($TECN)) {
<option value="<?php echo $TECNOLOGIA["TECNOLOGIA"]; ?>" <?php echo ($TECNOLOGIA["TECNOLOGIA"] == $rTecn) ? 'selected' : '' ?>><?php echo $TECNOLOGIA["TECNOLOGIA"]; ?></option>
<!-- Todos os fornecedores -->
<div class="mws-form-block">
<div class="mws-form-row">
<div class="mws-form-item large">
<select name="rForn" onChange="document.formFilter.submit();">
<option value="">[ Todos os fornecedores ]</option>
$conexao->setSQL("SELECT * FROM tab_aro_pcd_riscos, tab_aro_pcd_fornecedores WHERE aro_riscos_mfir = aro_forn_mfir GROUP BY aro_forn_mfir ORDER BY aro_forn_nome ASC");
$resultado = $conexao->Consultar();
while ($forn = mysql_fetch_array($resultado)) {
<option value="<?php echo $forn["aro_forn_mfir"]; ?>" <?php echo ($forn["aro_forn_mfir"] == $rForn) ? 'selected' : '' ?>><?php echo $forn["aro_forn_mfir"] . " - " . $forn["aro_forn_nome"]; ?></option>
What is the error that is happening? I don’t understand. Note: This code is about 10 years old? Register Globals has become OBSOLETE since PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly not recommended.
– LeonanCarvalho
I confess to you that the code is very old. I’m actually maintaining it and an update activity has already been required
– Alexsander Caproni
Regarding the error, I would actually like the information of the second select to be reflected based on the choice of the first filter
– Alexsander Caproni
In the second select you must add the value of
sql Where to bring only suppliers related to the selected technology. There is this relationship between technology and vendor in your database?– LeonanCarvalho