My Laravel project does not climb the server


Viewed 602 times


I’m following the following online course on the youtube website:

1 - CRUD en LARAVEL & Vuejs - Webpack, Laravel Mix, NPM, Axios | Rimorsoft Online

When I go up the server with the command yarn run dev it gives a success message as you can see below;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

But when will I enter the URL: http://localhost/laravel-vue-crud/public Nothing appears in Browser

I think I’m missing some bullshit knowing what went wrong.

Could someone download my project from the repository and try a test?


I’m just leaning this help because it didn’t generate any error in Powershell.

1 answer


Artisan according to the documentation of Laravel, is the name given to the command line interface included with the Laravel

With it you can do various operations related to Laravel.

To see the list of available commands from Artisan, type the command below in Terminal, Command Prompt, Powershell.

php artisan list

To run a local server to serve your application, run the command:

php artisan serve

Example, the command below it creates for you a new key randomly for your application, to use in Sessions, Cryptography, etc..

php artisan key:generate

The command make facilitates much in the creation of Controllers, Models, etc, you enter only the name and it creates the file for you, example:

php artisan make:controller Contato // Cria um Controller com o nome Contato
php artisan make:model Contato // Cria um Model com o nome Contato

It is also possible to work with inputs Cron directly by the application Laravel without the need to make a connection SSH.

And so on, there are several commands, if you list here it will take hours.


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