Access to external form with recaptcha


Viewed 319 times


Hello! I am doing an application in the area of participatory budget, I would like to know what the best solution (if any) to connect to an external web page, fill out a form, allow the user to resolve the external page recaptcha and recover the response data from the external page. Outer page:

I saw some solutions here to receive data from Cpf and cnpj of the IRS, but in these cases uses the captcha "image", this page brings the new recaptcha "check box".

I tried to load this page inside my page in an iframe but then I can’t even recover the html from iframe because it’s a cross domain issue.

Thanks in advance for your attention!

  • It would be possible to make this application with this site I need access to this page with the data coming from the database

  • Have you solved your problem? by coincidence I’m doing a similar project of looking for CPF for example, and most use recaptcha, fill the bag...

1 answer


It is not possible to resolve CAPTCHA in another application, other than the page because one of the information sent to the page that receives the action is a token provided by Google. If possible use Iframe. I hope I helped.

  • The old captcha (the one that generates a character image) is used in the recipe site, I found a PHP solution for it: The difference to my example is that it uses that "chekbox" recaptcha. iframe would even solve me, the problem I found on it is that I can’t get page data after form redirect for the cross domain issue.

  • if you can solve the captcha problem, you can use ajax to pass and receive the rest of the values, no?

  • I believe so, but I still could not find a solution for this "new" recaptcha that uses a "check box".

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