Print Argox 0s214T label in vb6


Viewed 901 times


I’d like to know how to send the command to printer Argox 0s214T to inform the type and size of the label using the USB port, because I put the commands via driver, more from the second label it jumps some 30 cm.


how to pass this command to printer?

  • If possible, insert snippets of the code where you configure the printer.

1 answer


Following example provided by manufacturer using the USB port:

 Private Sub Command1_Click()
    'Test code start
    ' open port.
    Dim nLen As Long
    Dim ret As Long
    Dim sw As Long
    Dim nVersion, nMainVersion, nSubVersion As Long
    Dim pbuf As String
    Dim strmsg As String
    pbuf = Space(128)
    ver = Space(128)

    ' dll version.
    nVersion = A_Get_DLL_VersionA(0)
    nMainVersion = Int(nVersion / 100)
    nSubVersion = nVersion Mod 100

    ' search port.
    nLen = A_GetUSBBufferLen() + 1
    strmsg = "DLL Ver: " + Str(nMainVersion) + "." + Str(nSubVersion) + vbCrLf  'only sample coding, not smart.
    If nLen > 1 Then
        Dim buf1 As String
        Dim buf2 As String
        Dim len1 As Long
        Dim len2 As Long
        len1 = 128
        len2 = 128
        buf1 = Space(len1)
        buf2 = Space(len2)
        Call A_EnumUSB(pbuf)
        Call A_GetUSBDeviceInfo(1, buf1, len1, buf2, len2)
        sw = 1
        If sw Then
            ret = A_CreatePrn(12, buf2) ' open usb.
            ret = A_CreateUSBPort(1) ' must call A_GetUSBBufferLen() function fisrt.
        End If
        If 0 < ret Then
            strmsg = strmsg + "Open USB fail!"
            strmsg = strmsg + "Open USB:" + vbCrLf + "Device name: "
            strmsg = strmsg + Left(buf1, len1)
            strmsg = strmsg + vbCrLf + "Device path: "
            strmsg = strmsg + Left(buf2, len2)
            'sw = 2
            If 2 = sw Then
                'get printer status.
                pbuf = Chr(1) + Chr(70) + vbCrLf
                Call A_WriteData(1, pbuf, 4)   ' <SOH>F
                ret = A_ReadData(pbuf, 2, 1000)
            End If
        End If

        lpSA.nLength = Len(lpSA)
        ret = CreateDirectory(szSavePath, lpSA)
        ret = A_CreatePrn(0, szSaveFile) ' open file.
        strmsg = strmsg + "Open " + szSaveFile
        If 0 < ret Then
            strmsg = strmsg + " file fail!"
            strmsg = strmsg + " file succeed!"
        End If
    End If
    MsgBox (strmsg)
    If 0 < ret Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' sample setting.
    Call A_Set_DebugDialog(1)
    Call A_Set_Unit(Asc("n"))
    Call A_Set_Syssetting(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    Call A_Set_Darkness(8)
    Call A_Del_Graphic(1, "*") ' delete all picture.
    Call A_Clear_Memory   ' clear memory.
    Call A_WriteData(0, sznop2, Len(sznop2))
    Call A_WriteData(1, sznop1, Len(sznop1))

    'draw box.
    Call A_Draw_Box(Asc("A"), 10, 10, 380, 280, 4, 4)
    Call A_Draw_Line(Asc("A"), 200, 10, 4, 280)

    'print text, true type text.
    Call A_Prn_Text(20, 30, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, Asc("N"), 2, "PPLA Lib Example")
    Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType(20, 60, 30, "Arial", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AA", "TrueType Font", 1) 'save in ram.
    Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(20, 90, 20, 20, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AB", "TT_W: 多字元測試", 1)

    Dim buff1(128) As Byte
    Dim buff2() As Byte
    Dim i As Integer
    buff2 = StrConv("TT_Uni: 多字元測試", vbNarrow) 'Converts UNICODE(wide characters) to single-byte characters.
    For i = LBound(buff2) To UBound(buff2)
        buff1(i) = buff2(i)
    Next i
    buff1(26) = 0 'null.
    buff1(27) = 0
    Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType_Uni(20, 120, 30, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AC", buff1(0), 1, 1) 'UTF-16

    buff1(0) = 255 'UTF-16.
    buff1(1) = 254
    buff2 = StrConv("TT_UniB: 多字元測試", vbNarrow) 'Converts UNICODE(wide characters) to single-byte characters.
    For i = LBound(buff2) To UBound(buff2)
        buff1(i + 2) = buff2(i)
    Next i
    buff1(30) = 0 'null.
    buff1(31) = 0
    Call A_Prn_Text_TrueType_UniB(20, 150, 30, "Times New Roman", 1, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AD", buff1(0), 0, 1) 'Byte Order Mark.

    Call A_Prn_Barcode(220, 60, 1, Asc("A"), 0, 0, 20, Asc("B"), 1, "1234")
    Call A_Bar2d_QR_A(220, 100, 1, Asc("3"), 10, Asc("N"), 0, "QR CODE")

    Call A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(220, 150, 1, Asc("B"), "bb.bmp") ' Color bmp file to ram.
    Call A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMPEx(220, 170, 200, 150, 2, 1, Asc("B"), "bb1", "bb.bmp") ' 180 angle.
    Dim himage As Long
    himage = LoadImage(0, "bb.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE)
    Call A_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP_HBitmap(300, 150, 250, 80, 1, 1, Asc("B"), "bb2", himage) ' 90 angle.
    If himage Then
        Call DeleteObject(himage)
    End If

    ' output.
    Call A_Print_Out(1, 1, 2, 1) ' copy 2.

    ' close port.
    Call A_ClosePrn

End Sub

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