How to use ng-repeat inside the ui-Carousel library?


Viewed 98 times


Carousel works, but I’m not able to ng-repeat within the directive, how could I solve this?

In the controller I have the collection:

$scope.steps = [
    {id:1, text: 'nnoonon 1', current:1, collection:[]},
    {id:2, text: 'nnoonon 2', current:2, collection:[1, 2, 3, 4]},
    {id:3, text: 'nnoonon 3', current:3, collectiom:[]}

In view:

         <!-- MOSTRA A COLEÇÃO -->
         <div ng-show="item.current == 2"> 

           <!-- O NG-REPEAT NÃO FUNCIONA AQUI ??? -->
              <div ng-repeat="c in item.collection">{{c}}</div>


This is the library that I’m using.

To assist, I made a plunker what I need

  • 1

    Buddy, you can carry an example in Plunker?

  • Here’s a plunker:

  • Help me to help you friend, their pure demo is on their website, adapt your logic of "Steps" in this plunker please. Read more about How to create a Minimum, Complete and Verifiable example

  • @Jackson, I put in question the adapted plunker.

  • I don’t know if that helps, but there’s a </div> more than I should...

  • This plugin apparently is bugged friend, your loop was incorrect, by having 2 arrays, you need to do 2 levels of NG-REPEAT. But it still didn’t work. Control variables don’t work inside the slide, this plugin makes what’s in it private. I would switch to another. = >

  • from what I’ve seen, the plugin kills ng-repeat after loading.

  • Try to create a test variable in the controller with any value, and try to call it inside the carousel, it does not work. I find it very bad =/

  • the problem is that it compiles the carrosel. in the template.

  • var compiledElement = $compile(templateInstance)($scope);&#xA; el.addClass('ui-carousel').html('').append(compiledElement);

  • tried using ng-include also does not work.

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