I will store the images in the folder img on my website. I wanted to know if there is any way to search a certain image using the search form, so that when the search was done, it would be displayed in a certain site -- or for that I would have to save all the images in the database?
a strategy would be to store in the database a table containing the path of the images and some types of description, as if it were a cloud of tags. So when searching, the user would receive the database information but the image load and its physical files would be outside the database.
– Israel Zebulon
And as I would load, you could provide me with an example in code???
– WPfan
Are you using which programming language for the back-end of your site? Would it be PHP? Another question, the search form should search by file name?
– Guilherme Nascimento
I’m using PHP, and the search will be by image name yes!!
– WPfan