I have an HTML page in bootstrap it is already responsive. But I need that when you access the site in a certain resolution defined by me hide only one of a table that is possible?
I have an HTML page in bootstrap it is already responsive. But I need that when you access the site in a certain resolution defined by me hide only one of a table that is possible?
You have the responsibility utilities that allow you to do this without needing CSS external to the Framework:
To display:
*(asterisk) - may be: 'block'
, 'inline'
and 'inline-block'
To hide:
Simply add this style to the element you want to fire.
XS = Extra small (Menor que 768px)
SM = Small (Maior ou igual a 768px)
MD = Medium (Maior ou igual a 992px)
LG = Large (Maior ou igual a 1200px)
Example of use application:
<td class="" >Exibe Todos</td>
<td class="hidden-xs">Exibe SM ou maior</td>
<td class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Exibe MD ou maior</td>
<td class="hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md">Exibe LG</td>
How do I do it? type <td class="Hidden-Xs"> this? I want to know how to activate in the column I want you to hide
That’s right, only add the classname in the 'td' or 'tr' you want to hide, if you want to hide on small devices use '<td class='Hidden-Xs'></td>', works for any element, not only with tds, you can use with 'div', 'span' and all the others.
You can do this only with CSS.
Set a maximum width resolution and within the items you want to search for.
For example hiding a column with a maximum screen width of 450px.
@media only screen and (max-width: 450px) {
td.classecolunaesconder{display:none; }
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Do you just want to know how to do or apply in your code? If it’s the second option, edit the question with the same.
– Felipe Duarte
Apply in the code
– Felipe Dutra
You can use JS to identify the screen resolution window.screen ex.: http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/newtech3.shtml
– Caique Romero