Call Controller Search Action


Viewed 285 times


I have an action in my controller that calls a service that does a search using stored procedure and returns a list to me. I made the form in the View to call this Action, only it’s not calling Follow the Codes of Each Process

Search Form

<p> Buscar Pessoa </p>
<!-- Area de Busca -->
@using (Html.BeginForm())

    <div class="form-group">
        <p> Nome </p>
        <input type="submit" value="Buscar" />

Controller - Actionresult Search(string name)

public ActionResult Buscar(string Nome)
    PessoaService srv = new PessoaService();

    return View("List", srv.Listar());

Stored Procedure - in Personal Service

public List<Pessoa> Buscar(string nome)
    using(var db = new MyContext())
        var Result = db.Database.SqlQuery<Pessoa>("SP_Busca_Cliente").ToList();
        return Result.ToList();

QUESTION ---- How do I call this action and return the searched person

  • Looking over the top, I believe that you still need to specify that the http method triggered by the form should be POST, after all your action will only respond to POST requests. aspx

  • Dude, I managed to call, Using this way there, Now I just need to create the Variables of type Sqlparameter to pass as parameter for my Stored Procedure, You have some easier idea to pass?

  • More or less what do you want?

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