Query listing the dates


Viewed 196 times


Good night,

How Query can get the following action in Postgresql:

List the dates that fell on Sunday of the last 6 months based on the current date, regardless of the data in the database.

NOTE: The records that are in the database, is in date format, example: 2017-09-10

3 answers


You can generate a series of dates through the function generate_series(), and then filter only the dates that fall on Sunday using the clause WHERE.

Since the version 8.4 of Postgresql, the generate_series() is capable of generating date series:

    generate_series( now() - '6 month'::interval, now(), '1 day'::interval ) AS dt
    EXTRACT('dow' from dt) = 0;
  • was convinced that the function only received whole, very cool =] vlw

  • 1

    Postgresql has evolved a lot in the last few years ;o)


I did the following query, see if it helps you:

    now()::date -  i 
FROM generate_series(0,6*30) i(i)
where EXTRACT('dow' from now()::date -  i) = 0


generate_series: Generate a series of values from start to finish with a step size of one

using the parameters, 0 and 6*30 (6 months), a series of 0 to 180 will be generated.

now, we take the current date, and subtract i days, taking all dates from today, up to 180 days ago.

finally on Where, we filter only the dates on which the day of the week, dow, is equal to 0 (Sunday).




I put in Sqlfiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#! 17/9eecb/4258

  • 1

    Not every month they have 30 dias, thus, not always the interval of 6 meses possesses 180 dias! Assume that the month always has 30 dias may cause a margin of error of 2.5 dias in an interval of 6 meses. According to Google, 1 mês possesses 30.4167 dias! https://www.google.com/search?q=1+month+in+days


I believe you can use this function:

The function in the case returns the day of the week, 7 is Sunday.

date is my column containing the dates.


FROM tb_empregado
WHERE EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM  data_admissao) =7

The function: date_trunc('day', NOW() - interval '6 month') will return you the date 6 months ago.

Updating: I tested it here and you can filter it the way I informed you

Follow an example:

FROM tb_empregado
WHERE EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM  data_admissao) =7 
AND data_admissao <date_trunc('day', NOW() - interval '6 month')

//Função responsável por retornar o dia da semana da data inserida, no caso a coluna
EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM  data_admissao) 

Party responsible for returning the current date - 6 months

date_trunc('day', NOW() - interval '6 month')

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