Hello, friends!
I’m trying to map an image, using the Html5 "Area" tag that works with polygons, I want to map a rectangle or several rectangles on top of an image "img".
My doubt is, I have a map that bounces or tables coordinates this way:
[X:166 - Y:64] [X:245 - Y:64] [X:245 - Y:81] [X:166 - Y:81]
These are coordinates of an area of an image. what I want is to take these coordinates and map them using the HTML5 Area tag but this tag only accepts 4 types of coordinates, how to proceed ?
<map name = “shape”> <area shape = “rect” alt=”parte 1” coords = “0, 0, 100, 100” href=”parte1.html”/> <area shape = “circle” alt=”parte 2” coords = “100, 100, 25” href=”parte2.html”/> <area shape = “poly” alt=”parte 3” coords = “116, 207, 186, 299, 49, 296” href=”parte3.html”/></map><img src=”imagem.jpg” usemap=”#shape” />
From what I saw "Area" only accepts 4 coordinates and now.
Can you explain better what kind of way these coordinates need to create? Because their order is a little confusing to me, since all the points are repeated twice each in different order.
– Fernando VR
So the Google API.Cloud.Vision returns this information to me [X:166 - Y:64] [X:245 - Y:64] [X:245 - Y:81] [X:166 - Y:81] that is, this information and the Vertical Horizontal of each Coordinate realize that are 4 coordinates each with horizontal and Vertial forming a rectangle or square (Poligono). okay. My doubt is how I use the HTML5 Area tag being this for her Shape attribute accepts domente 4 coordinates I did not understand right to that demarcation part that the Area tag uses understands!?
– Rodrigo