How to generate directory list and perform actions for each list item?


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I am trying to build a Shell Script that stores directories exists at the root of /Volumes and perform an iteration on these, ignoring only the directory: "Preboot" and "Macintosh H"

  • 1

    "Interaction" or "iteration"? If "interaction" could explain what kind of "interaction" you want?

  • for d in /Volumes/*; do if [ "$d" != "/Volumes/Preboot" -a "$d" != "/Volumes/Macintosh H" ]; then itera "$d"; fi; done

1 answer


Quick response

for d in /Volumes/*; do
  if [ "$d" != "/Volumes/Preboot" -a "$d" != "/Volumes/Macintosh H" ]; then
    itera "$d";


for will iterate over a given set of words. In this case, we are passing /Volumes/*, which will be expanded glob and therefore the iteration argument of for will all content not hidden from /Volumes.

In condition, I am ensuring that the variable $d not even the briefcase Preboot inside /Volumes nor Macintosh H inside /Volumes also. I don’t recall any operation of relevance to test. Could have used case/esac also to ignore these options.

The test cmd1 -a cmd2, specifically -a, is the operation and of command test. Therefore, the example operation of the beginning of this paragraph will be true if cmd1 and cmd2 are true.


As I am without computer, I was left with doubt when the expansion glob generates options with spaces in the middle, but I believe that even if this generates a bug in the code it is almost trivial to fix it.

  • 1

    Thanks for the help, final result: #! /bin/bash for d in /Volumes/; do if [ "$d" != " /Volumes/Preboot" -a "$d" != " /Volumes/Macintosh HD" ]; then cd "$d" && find . -type f ( -iname "._" -o -name ". Ds_store" ) -exec rm "{}" ; echo "Removing files ". _*" and ". Ds_store" from: $d"; fi; done .

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