Populando Spinner


Viewed 79 times


I have the following doubt I have to use some Arrays List in my project they are...

List Restaurant Dishes Restaurant 1 Dishes Restaurant 2 Price Restaurant 1 Price Restaurant 2

Within my Activity I placed two Spinners one that will pick up the Array List Restaurants and the other one I want the Array list data to appear when I select the restaurant and at the end I would pick up and Setaria as a Price Text View.

Follow the image to get a better sense

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Just to get an idea of what’s being populated in the Spinners

<string-array name="Restaurantes">

<string-array name="Restaurante_McDonalds_Pratos">
    <item>Combo Big Mac</item>
    <item>Combo Deluxe Bacon</item>
    <item>Combo Club House</item>

<string-array name="Restaurante_McDonalds_Pratos_Precos">
    <item>R$ 31,00</item>
    <item>R$ 29,00</item>
    <item>R$ 35,00</item>

<string-array name="Restaurante_KFC_Pratos">
    <item>Combo Balde de 6 peças</item>
    <item>Combo Balde de 9 peças</item>
    <item>Combo Balde de 12 peças</item>

<string-array name="Restaurante_KFC_Pratos_Precos">
    <item>R$ 25,00</item>
    <item>R$ 35,00</item>
    <item>R$ 45,00</item>

1 answer


You can be populating according to the spinner dishes according to the selection of the restaurants spinner through the setOnItemSelectedListener.

spnRestaurante.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
        public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
            String selected = adapterView.getItemAtPosition(i).toString();

               //seta o adapter dos pratos para o spinner dos pratos
             } if(selected.equals("KFC")){
               //seta o adapter dos pratos para o spinner dos pratos

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