Filter a select, without duplicate SQL queries being returned


Viewed 259 times


The problem is to return a SELECT with only those schedules that are no longer accepted by the user. I’m trying to use the schedule table that has already been accepted, which has both the user ID and the schedule that he accepted to filter the schedule.

Table of accepted schedules

      25      |      26      |
      41      |      26      |
      41      |      26      |
      42      |      29      |

The keys come from the table link with the following tables:

Schedule table created

 41         |  Padaria     |    290.00     |      1      |
 42         |  Confeitaria |    350.00     |      2      |
 25         |  Lavanderia  |    350.00     |      3      |

List of Registered Deliverers

 USER_ID    |    NAME    |
 25         |   João     |
 26         |   Maria    |
 29         |   Claúdio  |

I’m not really used to using SQL statements yet, so I couldn’t develop a query that would return the values, without them being repeated for example.

3 answers


You must perform a Join, the Join joins the results of two tables in one query, it uses a field to perform this join.

Example of desired junction

Select Entregadores.NAME,
  from Tabela_de_agendamentos_que_foram_aceitos AgendamentoAceito
   join Tabela_de_agendamentos_criados Agendamento
     on (AgendamentoAceito.SCHEDULE_ID = Agendamento.SCHEDULE_ID)
   join Tabela_de_entregadores_que_aceitaram_os_agendamentos Entregadores
     on (AgendamentoAceito.USER_ID = Entregadores.USER_ID)

With all Join well positioned the records will not repeat themselves, unless they are repeated in the tables.

Speaking a little more of John

Many developers have difficulty knowing which result is returned by each Join in SQL and therefore when they should use each one. To facilitate this understanding, Figure 1 brings a graphic representation, based on Set Theory, very well known in mathematics. In this image, we have the representation of two tables (A and B) and the expected result for each type of Join (the area in red represents the records returned by the query).

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


  • That’s where my question lies, more than one user can accept a certain schedule. And I’m after a query that returns the schedules that were not accepted by the user, thanks in advance.

  • This query of mine solved your initial problem? Check for me and we worked on a second.


To reach the desired result you must use the clause EXISTS together with NOT:

  FROM agendamentos a
                    FROM agendamento_aceitos aa
                   WHERE aa.schedule_id = a.schedule_id
                     AND aa.user_id = 26)

In the example above will be shown schedules that have not yet been accepted by the courier 26 - Maria.

Subqueries with EXISTS or NOT EXISTS

If a subquery Returns any Rows at all, EXISTS subquery is TRUE, and NOT EXISTS subquery is FALSE

Or in free translation:

If the subquery returns any line, EXISTS will BE TRUE, and NOT EXISTS will BE FALSE

  • I think this is the way, filter schedules by not returning those that have ever been accepted. However it is expected that it would return schedules only that were not accepted by the user himself yet, using ai the table that records schedules accepted by delivery users.

  • @wagnermps do you want the couriers who accepted schedules? That?

  • 1

    The idea of this select would be to show the deliverer new schedules that have been created and are in the schedule table, when he decides to accept one of these schedules an Insert is done in accepted schedules, but even after that this deliveryman accepts this schedule, this schedule still remains available for other deliveries also accept in the future.

  • 1

    Now, when that same user (courier) who accepted this schedule from before wanted to see the new schedules, the query would need to filter based on his id those schedules that have not yet been accepted by him alone, can return schedules that were accepted by other deliverers without problem.

  • @wagnermps understood, so just add the user_id in the WHERE of subquery. I made the amendment in the reply to that

  • show solved, when I used your answer before I removed aa.schedule_id = a.schedule_id by aa.user_id = 26, when the correct one was to use both thank you.

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Can use a distinct in the query to return unique values.

  • Could you give an example? If I don’t believe your answer fits better as a comment.

  • Check here:

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