Returning different messages according to the results of a function


Viewed 63 times


I have the following doubt:

I have a function that can give me four different values. I would like to create a message (string) for each function value, so that the message is released with its respective value, for example:

If the function returns B, I have message B, if the function returns value A, I have message A...


 Double N1 = N1(b, a, A, B, C, D);

 String resultado = (N1 == A && N1 < nM ? "Tipo A" : (N1 == B && N1 < nM ? "Tipo B": (N1 == C && N1 < nM ? "Tipo C" : (N1 == D && N1 < nM ? "Tipo D" : "Passa!"))));

The function value is N1, which can be if A, B, C or D. In addition, the "Type X" message should only appear if N1 is less than double nM. If nM is less than N1, I must return the message "Passes!"

The problem is the message I get is always "Pass!" even when nM is greater than N1.

How should I proceed?

1 answer


Try to do something like this:

Map<Double, String> mensagens = new HashMap<>(4);
mensagens.put(A, "Tipo A");
mensagens.put(B, "Tipo B");
mensagens.put(C, "Tipo C");
mensagens.put(D, "Tipo D");

Double escolhido = N1(b, a, A, B, C, D);
String resultado = nM > escolhido ? "Passa" : mensagens.get(escolhido);

However, you did not provide much information about the context of this code. I believe that with more information about the context of the problem, a better solution should exist. In particular, if you give more information about what they are, what they do and what the variables are for N1, nM, a, b, A, B, C and D, types A, B, C and D and "Pass". I recommend that you read about the XY problem.

Also, make sure that there is no error within the method N1.

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