Change color when reaching a certain number


Viewed 24 times


I’m doing a test here, and when the sensorValue reaches a certain value, as an example I used the 5 it changes the color of the table where it’s being written to green, currently it is in red from more than 5 sensorValor turned in green and lower than this would again turn red.

bad_3 is the div created to be green, and the counter_3 to be red.

I tried this example in the script below, but it didn’t work:

    $(document).ready(function () {

    var sensorValor = 0;
    var testCounter = 0;
    var contaBotao = 0;
    var testEnable = false;
    var roundedValue = 0;

    $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });

    setInterval(function() {
    $.get ("IOCounter_3.html", function(result) {
    sensorValor = $('#counter_3').text();
    setInterval(function() {
    $.get ("IOCounter_4.html", function(result) {
    sensorValor = $('#counter_4').text();
    setInterval(function() {
    $.get ("IOCounter_5.html", function(result) {
    sensorValor = $('#counter_5').text();
    setInterval(function() {
    $.get ("IOCounter_6.html", function(result) {
    sensorValor = $('#counter_6').text();
    setInterval(function() {
    $.get ("IOCounter_7.html", function(result) {
    sensorValor = $('#counter_7').text();
    setInterval(function() {
    $.get ("IOCounter_8.html", function(result) {
    sensorValor = $('#counter_8').text();
    $(".botaonibus").click(function(e) {

    setInterval(function () {
      roundedValue = Math.round(parseFloat(sensorValor) * 100) / 100;
      if ((roundedValue >=5) && testEnable) {
        testEnable = false;

      else if ((roundedValue <=3) && testEnable) {
        testEnable = false;
    }, 50);

    var len = $('.testes1 div').length;
    // //Se for a primeira vez ele é 0 então não entrará, mas na segunda vez 
    //  ele entra no if e pega a div anterior "testCounter-1"
    if(len> testCounter) {
    if(contaBotao> 0) {
    $('.testes1 div').eq(testCounter - 1).hide();
    $('.testes1 div').eq(testCounter).show();
    if(len == testCounter) {
    $('.botaonibus').hide(); //ultima etapa ja chegou
else {
    $('.botaonibus').html('Next Step');
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