What is the difference between SET and ENUM in Mysql?


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What are the differences between SET and ENUM in Mysql? And in what situations both are best applied?

2 answers


SET and ENUM are used when the values to be stored are chosen from a fixed set of values. You define columns of both types in terms of string values, but Mysql represents them internally as integer values. This leads to very efficient storage, but can have some amazing results unless you have this string/integer duality in mind.


The ENUM type is a type of enumeration. A column definition of this type includes a list of allowed values, each of which is called a "member" of the list. Each value stored in the column shall be equal to one of the values in the list.

ENUM ('Asia', 'Europe', 'USA', Africa', 'Oceania', Antarctica', 'South America')

The values in the ENUM type definition are given in the form of a list of strings between comma-separated quotes. Internally, Mysql stores strings as integers, using values 1 to n for a column with n members in the enumeration. The declaration insert into paises(nome,continente) values('Kenya','Africa'); assign the enumeration 'Africa' value to the continent column. Mysql actually assigns the value 4, because 'Africa' is the fourth continent name listed in the enumeration definition.

Mysql reserves the value 0 as an implicit member of all ENUM columns. For example, if you assign "US A' in the continent column, Mysql will store the value 0 instead of some value from 1 to 7, because 'US A' is not a valid member of the enumeration. If you select the column later, Mysql displays values 0 as '' (the empty string).


The SET data type, such as the ENUM, is declared using a comma-separated list of strings in quotes that define their valid members. However, unlike ENUM, a SET column can be assigned a value consisting of any combination of those members. The following statement contains a list of symptoms displayed by people suffering from allergy:

SET ('espirro','nariz entupido', ' cabeça constipada', olhos vermelhos')

A patient may have any or all (or none) of these symptoms, and therefore the symptom values may contain from zero to four individual members of this SET, separated by commas. The following statements save in the column respectively an empty string (no SET members), a single SET members, and multiple SET members:

INSERT INTO alergia (sintoma) Values('');
INSERT INTO alergia (sintoma) Values('cabeça constipada');
INSERT INTO alergia (sintoma) Values('espirro', 'olhos vermelhos');

Mysql represents SET type columns as a bitmap using one bit per member, so elements in the symptom definition have internal values of 1,2,4 and 8 (i.e., they have bit values 1 through 3 in one byte) Internally, Mysql stores the values shown in previous INSERT declarations as 0 (no connected bit), 4 (connected bit 2) and 9 (connected bit 0 and 3, i.e., 1 plus 8).

A SET definition may contain 64 members. The internal storage required for SET values depends on the number of elements (1,2,3,4 or 8 bytes for sets up to 8, 16, 24, 32 or 64 members. An ENUM-type column definition can list up to 65,535 members.

If you try to store an invalid member in a SET type column, it is ignored because it does not match any of the bits in the column definition. Poe example, record a symptom value with tosse, espirro, respiração ofegante results in an internal value equal to 1 (sneezing). The elements tosse e respiração ofegante are ignored because they are not listed in the column definition as valid members.

As mentioned in the first paragraph of this answer, Converting between the string and numerical representations of values of the ENUM and SET types can result in surprises if you are not careful. For example, although you would normally refer to a column of enumeration type using the string forms of its values, you can also use the internal numeric values. The effect of this can be very subtle if the string values look like numbers. Suppose you define a table t as follows

CREAT TABLE t (idade INT, irmãos ('0', '1', '2', '3', '>3'));

In this case, the enumeration values are the strings '0', '1', '2', '3', '>3', and the internal numeric values are 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively. Now suppose you execute the following statement:

INSERT INTO t (idade, irmãos) VALUES (14, '3');

The value of the sibling column is specified here as the string '3', and this is the value assigned to the column in the new record. However, you can also specify the sibling value as a number, as follows:

INSERT INTO t (idade, irmãos) VALUES (14, 3);

However, in this case, 3 is interpreted as the internal value, which corresponds to the '2' value of the enumeration! The same principle applies to recoveries. Consider the following two statements:

SELECT * FROM t WHERE  irmãos = '3';

SELECT * FROM t WHERE  irmãos = 3;

In the first case, you get records that have an enumeration value equal to '3'. In the second case, you get records where the internal value is 3, i.e., records with enumeration value equal to '2'.

Source: Mysql Study Guide for Certification

  • 1

    Joke right, text taken from the Mysql Certification Study Guide and people are downvoting, this boy down must think himself the God of Mysql to be able to give a -1. I’d like to see his response if you have one.

  • It doesn’t, but that’s the way it is, folks don’t justify the downvote, it is difficult to know what is "wrong" in the answer

  • 1

    Exactly, I’m filing a lawsuit asking for the money I paid for the book back because a member of this site didn’t think it was right.

  • I believe someone is chasing me for some reason I don’t know. It’s not the first time it’s happened. Maybe envy... who knows. This type of conduct should be subject to monitoring and depending on the understanding a suspension or even ban

  • 2

    Don’t assume it’s stalking, look who @Sorack also won downvote, and this story of no one commenting has already been discussed in Meta, has user who comments on the problem of an answer and instead the author take as constructive criticism prefer to think that is victim, that is it is by bad experience and poor acceptance of many users against the criticisms that are clearly often useful that the staff is unwilling to comment, if people start to receive the criticisms better you will probably see many comments, but as long as most of them act this way, feel attacked...

  • 2

    ... or victim, hardly the users will comment, so the community learn to accept criticism is a huge step towards a better community. PS: I didn’t see any problem in either your answer or @Sorack’s, so I’ll leave a +1 for each one.

  • 1

    @Guilhermenascimento, I fully agree with you! I was one of those and today I understand and accept criticism in a good way and I even thank those who do. But this particular case has gone beyond the bounds of common sense of the one who went down because it makes me understand that this subject of this book is not correct or I should not share.

  • 1

    @Leocaracciolo Rebolt that it was not I who gave the -1. I believe that the -1 goes from the option of each one, the business is to accept however correct the answer is, I leave my +1. I asked a question on the goal a while ago on the subject What to do when I get downvotes for no reason?

  • Leocaracciolo can not know the reason, it is possible that there is some problem in the answers that neither I, nor you and neither @Sorack noticed, can not go accusing gratuitously, I myself already won downvote in answers, some I thought was totally correct, but they did have one or the other problem, it wasn’t entirely wrong, but there was one detail or another wrong. I am not saying that there is no persecution, it is possible that there is, but it is also possible that it is just an impression, as I said, it is not possible to say.

  • @Leocaracciolo in reality there is a preventive system against "persecution". If you receive many downvotes of the same person the system identifies that there is something wrong and reverses votes deemed abusive. But this is not instantaneous, so rest assured that if it happens the system reverts (it happened to me and I attest that it works)

  • 4

    All I can say is this: if there’s any reason to downvote this answer, which none of us could see, and the author of the down could see, this young man must have a deep knowledge of the subject and therefore be considered a lord of the highest respectability on the part of the community. But he walked the path of selfishness and left us to see ships.

  • You know those weird character problems in PHP?

  • @sam to remembered

  • I already took care of it, but yesterday it was giving a problem here. I was doing a preg_replace on a word and the result was coming with those questions inside a lozenge.

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SET lets you save a collection. ENUM allows only unit values.


According to Mysql documentation ENUM and SET Constraints:

ENUM and SET Columns provide an Efficient way to define Columns that can contain only a Given SET of values. See Section 11.4.4, "The ENUM Type", and Section 11.4.5, "The SET Type".

With Strict mode enabled (see Section 5.1.8, "Server SQL Modes"), the Definition of a ENUM or SET column Acts as a Constraint on values entered into the column. An error occurs for values that do not satisfy These conditions:

  • An ENUM value must be one of those Listed in the column Definition, or the Internal Numeric equivalent thereof. The value cannot be the error value (that is, 0 or the Empty string). For a column defined as ENUM('a','b','c'), values such as ', ’d', or 'Ax' are invalid and are Rejected.

  • To SET value must be the Empty string or a value consisting only of the values Listed in the column Definition separated by commas. For a column defined as SET('a','b','c'), values such as’d' or 'a,b,c,d' are invalid and are Rejected.

In free translation:

The clauses ENUM and SET provide an efficient way to define columns that can contain only a certain set of values. See Section 11.4.4, "The ENUM type" and Section 11.4.5, "Type SET".

With strict mode enabled (strict mode) (see Section 5.1.8, "Server SQL Modes"), the definition of a clause ENUM or SET acts as a constraint on the values entered in the column. An error occurs for values that do not meet these conditions:

  • A value ENUM must be one of those listed in the column definition, or its internal numerical equivalent. The value cannot be the value of the error (i.e., 0 or the empty string). For a column defined as ENUM ('a', b', c'), values like ', ’d' or 'Ax' are invalid and are rejected.

  • A value SET must be the empty string or a value consisting only of the values listed in the definition of the comma-separated column. For a column defined as SET ('a', b', c'), values like’d' or 'a, b, c, d' are invalid and are rejected.

In which situations both are best applied?

The basic difference is that when you set the column as SET, it is possible to store more value from the list. Already in the ENUM only one value can be entered.

In the case below the records will be included normally, since isolated values or the combination of attributes can be used:

CREATE TABLE teste_set (
  fruta SET('banana', 'laranja', 'abacaxi')

INSERT INTO teste_set (fruta) VALUES ('banana');
INSERT INTO teste_set (fruta) VALUES ('banana,laranja');

In the code below the second insertion will be with the column fruta empty since each value can only be inserted once:

CREATE TABLE teste_enum (
  fruta ENUM('banana', 'laranja', 'abacaxi')

INSERT INTO teste_enum (fruta) VALUES ('banana');
INSERT INTO teste_enum (fruta) VALUES ('banana,laranja');
  • 2

    I was going to post the same thing because it’s like this in the documentation. I didn’t understand why the -1.

  • Thanks for the clarification @Sorack

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