Count how many days from today to the bank date


Viewed 154 times


I need to create a PHP application that reads the date of a column inside the MYSQL database and compare with today’s date, after comparing it should print the difference of days.

Example: In the bank contains the following date:2017-08-31, in the column 'dates'. As today is day 2017-09-28, he would have to return me 29 days.

3 answers


  • This AS DIFERENCA_DIAS, what would it be? I don’t understand.

  • It is an ALIAS for the name of the field that will contain the number 29, according to your example. Ai you call in PHP the result value as $difca = $S['DIFERENCA_DIAS'];

  • I did it your way and it worked perfectly, thank you very much!


One of the ways to do this is by using the class Datetime, it has the diff method that returns an object DateInterval, representing the interval between two separate dates:

Following the example of dates:

$data1 = new DateTime( '2013-12-11' );
$data2 = new DateTime( '1994-04-17' );

$intervalo = $data1->diff( $data2 );

echo "Intervalo é de {$intervalo->y} anos, {$intervalo->m} meses e {$intervalo->d} dias";

Response from: How to calculate the difference between two dates?


$dt_hoje   = date('Y-m-d');
$dt_banco  = '2017-08-22';
// Usa a função strtotime() e pega o timestamp das duas datas:
$dt_hoje   = strtotime($dt_hoje);
$dt_banco  = strtotime($dt_banco);
// Calcula a diferença de segundos entre as duas datas:
$diferenca = $dt_banco - $dt_hoje;
// Calcula a diferença de dias
$dias      = (int)floor( $diferenca / (60 * 60 * 24));

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